Wednesday, March 9, 2011

V.A.D. Day

Noah has had a bit of a rough day. After the blood transfusion yesterday, he still needed platelets, the part of your blood that causes it to clot. He had a platelet transfusion this morning, but had an allergic reaction to the platelets. They stopped that and gave him Benedryl. The hives and red coloring subsided, but they still needed to give him more, so they gave him MORE Benedryl. He was so sleepy, he didn't even notice that he hadn't eaten since about 9:00 last night! Britney Timmer surprised us with a visit and a gift this morning, but he was too tired to fully appreciate it. :( Thanks anyway Britney!
At about 1 he went to the O.R. to have the surgery Tom was talking about yesterday. While we were waiting for him to be done, (this surgery takes about 1-1.5 hours) we had another surprise visitor! Dave Tucker came to keep us company while we waited - a perfect diversion.
Noah just came back from the O.R., where he had a Vascular Access Device (V.A.D.) implanted in his chest. It will allow whoever needs to take blood or give any medication or treatments to do so without needing an I.V. or to poke him with any more needles. For now he will have an "I.V." but not through his arm; it goes straight into a vein in his chest. The nurse just came and took the I.V. out of his hand. If he wasn't so groggy, he would be very happy, I'm sure.
I have been taking some photos, so I will spend some time here and try to figure out how to post them.


  1. Hey Tom, Stacey and Noah.

    We just heard and thought we would let you know that you are in our prayers. We hope your little guy knows how many people are lifting him up.

    Keri (Dekens) and Mark Stephens

  2. Noah, Tom and Stacey

    Just read the blog today. Our prayers are with you during this tough time. We miss you all at school but are glad that you are willing to share your journey with us through this blog. A special hug and hello to Noah from Mrs. E.

    from the Ewalds

  3. Hi Noah,
    This is Erin and Gavin. We are glad that you have a blog where we can talk to you. We miss you, and my mom really, really, really misses you.
    We are missing you at school. We hope you are feeling better soon.
    Have a good sleep...we will talk to you soon. (Gavin wants to say...the end...what a nutbar! This isn't a story...which reminds me that you have this time to be dictating your "novel" to your mom/dad)...E & G

  4. Hi Noah! Get well soon! We are praying for you! From Logan - DUDE!

  5. Hi Noah, Tom, and Stacey:
    We are thinking about you and praying for you. God is good - all the time.... even when things don't make sense. Trust Him. Lean on Him. We will see you when you return.


  6. Hi Noah,
    Do you remember this summer at Auntie Karen's wedding we were telling your mama's so fat jokes. You told a really funny one - Your mama's so fat that when she went into the ocean the whales were singing we are family even if you are bigger than me! Ha Ha! I loved that one! I miss you and want you to feel better soon. Love, Brigid

  7. hi its Wendy huttema from bvcs you know me from levi too. hope you feel better soon just wanted you to know that im praying for you. oh ya im in dawson creek now loving it having a good time in my school,one of my friends had to move to grand prarie we have a lot in common too. well i hafe to leave now so i'll talk to you later bye

  8. Hi Noah, hope your day got better. You get to have another visit with Barry tomorrow - I wonder if he will bring his gift sack again. How fun that you can read all these messages from family and friends. Hope you are becoming a whiz on the x-box you will have to challenge the boys when you get back. :-)

    From Mrs. Lester

  9. Hello Noah, and mom and dad! Mrs. Hartman saying hello this morning. What will today bring? Sending a hug and lots of love and prayers. Tell your dad that the cookies seem to be staying in the bag . . .
    Praying that God brings you some encouragement to delight in today however big or small. Lots of love Mrs. Hartman

  10. Praying for an easier day for you guys... glad to hear that the surgery went well so you don't need to get poked so often, Noah!

    We hope that we can come and see you soon!

    The McCarthy family in Langley...

  11. Hello there, I'm a friend of Denise's. Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you all daily. Your family has really been on my heart and mind. May God give you what you need.

  12. Hi Noah! This is Sharon Endacott. Glad you were able to have the surgery to put in the central line! makes it so much easier! Hope the sores in your mouth get better. My sister had a hard time eating throughout her treatment too...don't try eating all your favorite foods though...she ended up not liking those things, because with the chemo she associated those foods with feeling sick for years afterwards.... But DO EAT! My sister ended up with a nose tube for feeding because she stopped eating. You don't want that! just eat a little at a time as often as you can. Minigo yogurts are good for the extra calories! :)
    I am sure you miss your friends at school, your sisters and Willow... I'm sure they all miss you just as much! I hear you get to skype with them! Nice to have technology to stay in touch, isn't it?!
    My class here in Indonesia is praying for you too! Hope you have a good night's sleep...(it's about 9pm your time right now)
    Glad we can keep up to date on how things are going for you through this blog...
    Know that God has good plans for you, even though this month might seem pretty terrible. You may even make some new friends while at Children's! I know my sister did. She also made good friends going to Camp Good Times each summer!
    God Bless You!

  13. HI Noah, Tom and Stacey,
    Adding my prayers that your day got better
    Thank you , Stacey for keeping us up to date.
    lotsa luv
    Mrs. Becker
