Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A really great week! And a long post to tell you about it....

I am happy to report to you that Noah has completely recovered from the allergic reaction and is almost back to his own normal (?) self! He is joking around, making witty remarks and happy to be outside doing stuff. We ended up staying in the hospital until around 7:30 pm on Saturday because the Dr. looked at his counts and decided around noon that he should have a blood transfusion, which was fine, but they didn't start it until 4! It is hard to sit in a hospital room in respiratory isolation when you are feeling perfectly fine. He was still coughing a little bit and they are always cautious when a kid is coughing. We watched a couple of movies and played on the Wii and then around 5 my Grandma, my uncle Ed and Aunty Irene and my cousin Meagan and her friend Darren came for a visit, which was awesome! By then the Dr. decided he wasn't coughing THAT much so they took the sign off the door and we could show them around the hospital. (They even gave me the code for the school room so we could show it to them, shhh!)
They gave us a ride back to RMH and we could show then the house too. There was time for a quick game of foosball with Darren, which Noah won. (He is very modest, though and is quick to say Darren scored more goals than he did, but Noah scored the "next goal wins" goal.) I love being able to show people how well taken care of we are here.

We had a very nice visit with my mom, too. She was here from Wednesday night to Friday afternoon, then Sunday night to Tuesday. We played games, watched movies, and just hung out. Very Nice.

I just love it when Noah is happy. He is the sweetest guy. My mom just couldn't get over him while she was here. For example, now that Noah can't have the IV chemo he reacted to on Friday, he needs to have it by injection, and we were talking about it with Tom because understandably, Noah is worried about it. Tom was trying to help him put it into perspective and asked him, "It won't be the worst thing that you've experienced, though, right? Like, what is the worst thing that has happened to you?" Noah said, "I don't know..." So Tom asked him again, "C'mon , what is the worst thing?" Noah's response? "Well, lots of good things have happened too!!"
He is amazing.
I thank God everyday for his positive outlook and his sweet way of always looking for the good in every situation.
Then, Tom was trying to end the conversation and said (in his Tom-ish way), "So, any questions, comments?" to which Noah replied, "I love you...." This, of course melted him. and me . and my mom. He is so sweet. I hope he stays this way forever.

I don't think I wrote on the blog that Noah got to meet Christy Clark, did I? I can't always remember what I write where.... Anyway, he got to be in on her press conference where she announced funding for the new RMH they are building here at the Hospital. He had his photo taken with her and his arm was on TV! He was at the other end of the table from her, so he didn't make it into the picture. The Province carried a photo of everyone at the table, and even had his name on the caption.
We have been enjoying Vancouver in the spring, doing lots of things outside. There is another mom here who has lived here her whole life at RMH so she is showing us around and bringing us to neat places, like Jericho Beach where we found little crabs and a duck pond that is actually a beaver pond with a lodge and everything. Noah loved exploring there. Last night she brought us to Queen Elizabeth Park where they have a beautiful garden built into an old quarry, so there are rocky cliffs all around and bridges and lots of different flowers so Noah climbed up the rocks and explored all around and found the weirdest looking plants, like the rhubarb plant from Brazil that looks like an alien in the spring when it is just sprouting.

Okay a prayer request for y'all...We are booked to come home on Friday afternoon! That is not the request - this is: that his clinic day is over on time for us to make it to the airport for our flight at 5:45! Because sometimes stuff happens that you can't control, you know? ; ) So please pray that the appointment goes quickly so we can come home.

Noah has an appointment in the clinic for a Lumbar Puncture at 10 and he needs his inhaled antibiotic and some chemo. The antibiotic takes about half an hour because it goes through a nebulizer which isn't what takes a long time, it is the fact that he needs to be in an isolation room, which could be an issue, because those are always in high demand. They put kids who are coughing or have anything which could be contagious in any way in those rooms to protect the other kids who have suppressed immune systems, and then everyone who comes in has to wear a mask and a gown that they take off when they leave so they don't carry anything to the other patients they see. In fact, I think of all the times we have had clinic days, he has been in isolation more often than not. He has been an isolation room hog. (Just between you and me, I like it when he is in isolation, because then he gets his own tv, there is room to put your stuff, and it can get kinda crazy in that playroom!)
So, yeah, if you could please pray that everything goes quickly and that he won't need a transfusion so we can make it home as quickly as possible, that would be awesome!!!!
Noah misses his dad. And so do I.


  1. Thanks for posting, it brought smiles and tears(happy) and excited to see you soon. Prayers offered for Friday that everything goes well and patience for you both.
    Love J

  2. Hi Stacey and Noah,

    So happy to hear that you will be reunited with your family really soon! Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all and like Oma always said to me, in Dutch of course, `put your worries in the hands of the Lord and He will take care of you`.
    Have a safe flight and enjoy all your adventures in Vancouver.
    Love Debbie

  3. Hey Noah I hope you have a safe flight good to hear your becoming yourself again saying jokes as always. Sounds like you had fun exploring hope to see you soon

  4. Such great news - visits with friends and relatives, positive thoughts and words,being at RMH, being in the newspaper (am going to Google it after i finish this post, smiles, laughter and love, not to leave out the many prayers winging your way. it is so great that you are able to get outside and so some exploring - what a Godsend your 'tour guide' has been for you, eh.
    praying that you make the flight and maybe this time i will get a few moments to say hi!!
    In His love
    Pat Klym Becker

  5. i found it - am going to try and paste a copy so everyone can see it goes

    B.C. Premier Christy Clark, with children Noah Stolte and Bronwyn Christison, promotes her "Families First" agenda with an announcement that the government will provide $13.375 million towards a new Ronald McDonald House to support families who need to travel to Vancouver for hospital treatment, at Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver, B.C., on April 28, 2011. At back, from left are Susan Christison, Richard Pass, CEO Ronald McDonald House and Margaret McDermot, MLA Vancouver Fairview.
    Photograph by: Nick Procaylo, PNG

    Read more: matter how many different ways I try, it will NOT copy the picture..I tried :(
    no picture

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. God keeps answering prayers, doesn't He? I just finished praying for you guys for Friday. I'm so happy to hear the good news about Noah being almost back to his normal self...that's awesome! And thank you to PKB for posting the link to the newspaper article. If you copy and paste the link into a new address bar, you'll see the picture. How cool was that! Glad you had a good visit with your mom, too, Stacey. Keeping you all in my prayers every day! Love, Marg H.

  8. Where is a "Like" button when you need one? I can just hear Tom "any Questions, any comments?" and Noahs answer is so precious. It just melts the heart. Thanks for the prayer requests and keeping us in the loop. So..., praying we see you in Smithers on the weekend.

  9. Hope you know prayers are being said daily for Noah - I have a Noah myself and am so proud of how your son is handling this - I only hope if we're ever in a similar situation that we will be able to talk about it, deal with it, give it to God as you all are.
    Love to you!!!!

    Rochelle TerMaat

  10. hi Noah this is michaela hope u have a safe ride to Smither's that is nice that your grandma could come. HAVE A GO TIME IN THE RMH THANK'S FOR LETING US SKYPE THAT WAS FUN SEE YOU TOMORROW

  11. Great to hear how your week was! Know that we're praying every single day for Noah and all of you. Jordan is very keen about the specific prayers (i.e. no more coughing, etc.). Olivia was very excited that Noah gets to come home on the day she's the shining star (girls!)!! We'll be praying that you make it onto that flight to be home with your family! I did take a very short video of the girls singing in the musical- thought you might like to see them singing with gusto! Hope to see you next week sometime!! Enjoy your Friday - safe travels!
    Julie M

  12. HI Noah how u feeling it is to bad that u diden't get your part in the play u probely whant to see your house and wilow and your family

  13. It's 9:00a.m. Friday your time. I will be focussing my prayers on you and a perfectly timed day today! Thanks for the updates and keep 'em coming! Much love to you all. Auntie Elizabeth

  14. Hi Stacey,
    We would love to show you and Noah around White Rock now that you've explored all of Vancouver :) We would love to pick you up and you could spend the day with us. Just email and let me know what works for you... We will continue to pray for Noah and thanks for the updates on your blog.
    You can call me at 604-536-2018 or email
    Take care, Irene and Dan
