Friday, April 29, 2011

Noah is officially a "reactor"

Rats. Noah had an anaphylactic reaction to one of his chemo drugs this afternoon - his face and lips got all red and swollen and his throat was itchy, hot and it was hard to breathe- so he was admitted to the hospital for observation tonight. The doctor and nurses were able to stop the reaction with epinephrine and benedryl and hydrocortisone, but they wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen again once they wore off. It hasn't, so that is good.
He had just come out of his LP, so he was still quite groggy from the anesthesia when it happened. It was very scary for him, but what seems worse now is that this was the preferred method of administration; the alternative to the one IV dose is 6 injections over 2 weeks. This may significantly affect our time at home. He is also understandably not happy with the idea of injections as opposed to IV doses.
The Dr. (Dr. Lucy, whom I love....) is the one who called him a "reactor". He has had allergic reactions to his antibiotics, Tegaderm (a dressing they use over his VAD when he is accessed), platelets and now this med, PEG l'Asparaginase. He may be low maintenance personality-wise, but antibody-wise...not so much. His big, thick file even has a big red CAUTION on the top of it, lol!
It is too bad he was kind of out of it when she called him a reactor, because he would have appreciated our conversation:
Dr. Lucy: Boy you're a reactor.... a nuclear reactor!
Me: As long as you don't have a complete meltdown!
I know it isn't really that funny, but he totally would have laughed....


  1. Oh Stacey, I empathize with you about the up and down journey to health. But you are on a journey of triumph! I hope you are able to keep finding the little thing to laugh about, that you are surrounded with medical people whom you love, and that you are all filled with the Father's peace and love.

  2. HI Stacey,
    What could i possibly add to the comment above!! That must have been such a scary experience for both of you. Our SAR training last night was about Critical Incidence Stress Management - good thing you have the world's BEST Manager - but do look after yourself too!!
    hi to Noah and hugs to you both.
    lots of love and prayers
    Pat Klym Becker

  3. REACTOR- The Blastinator!
    Oh this will be fun!
    Noah does however, come by his reactivity honestly. It is sooo too bad that it may affect his timelines though.
    Much love,

  4. LOL - I was also coming to comment that we really shouldn't be surprised that he is a REACTOR... so frustrating. Keep laughing Stace, even if it is through tears!! I hope you can find small bits of joy in the journey and that you can feel the prayers and support of everyone lifting you up. I can't wait to come see you guys. Love you both, Julie Glen and the fam!

  5. Stacey, glad to hear you can laugh in the midst of a rough day. Glad to hear as well that your medical people are so wonderful. Keep looking up... He is your refuge and strength. We pray for Noah every day, and Caleb is asking for another visit, so you'll be seeing us again.

  6. Hey Noah, Just dont blow. LOL

  7. Hi Stacey, glad to hear there are rays of sunshine for you to smile at. Love you and keeping you in prayer.

  8. "I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken". Acts 2:25
    God's strength and grace is so evident in you and the words you write. May you feel God very near to you, in a very real way. God bless you........ you have certainly blessed us.
