Friday, April 8, 2011

Good News/Bad News Day

Noah was supposed to go back to Vancouver on Sunday to begin treatment on Monday, but he went for blood work this morning and his blood counts are too low for treatment, so we get to/have to stay home until they are up! His white blood cells need to be at a certain level and he needs more neutrophils ( the specific kind of white blood cell that fights infection) before he can go. He is very happy about it - me, I'm not sure how I feel about it.... I kinda just want to get this over with, and any delays just drag it all out. Our nurse, Karen, told me that this kind of thing happens more often, so I guess we need to be prepared for it every time. This was one of the doctor's concerns: that although Noah's blast cells in his bone marrow did go down below 5%, his blood counts were slow to come up, and that is why he has 10 months of intensive treatments instead of 8 months, which is more usual.
The new plan is to have blood work done on Wednesday and Karen is confident that Noah will be ready to begin treatment on Friday. So we are probably going on Thursday. It will be nice to have more time at home with my girls and Tom. It is just hard to change my plan in my head, you know? I was so set on going on Sunday, I am finding it hard to be happy about staying. Weird. Probably what will happen is that in a few months or years we will look back and say, "See, it's a good thing we didn't start that first week when we were supposed to - it has worked out so much better this way!" I am just going to take it one day at a time...again. : )

p.s. Noah asked me to make it "font-y" : ) silly boy...


  1. Hey noah you did pretty good yesterday at ther derby car race. I like the colors on your blog that is pretty creative

  2. Love the font-y look! Keeps things funky! I am glad you get a bit more time at home. And I think you are will look back and think the timing worked out just right!
    Still praying for complete healing here as well as peace and strength for the journey!
    Love and hugs to you all.
    Auntie Denise

  3. Hi Noah,
    It's pretty sweet that you get to stay home for a few more days isn't it! Well make sure you give your mom a big hug and tell her not to worry, okay? I'm praying for all of you to win this battle against these evil blast cells, and I'm getting some friends together to join your Relay for Life team. GO NOAH! Stacey, I can't wait to talk and catch up again sometime, but it looks as if I might have to just be patient :) I'll be home on the 20th and I'm sure we'll be able to see each other sometime this summer.
    Lots of Love from Meghan

  4. I'm sure it is hard to just keep taking it one day at a time. I know I couldn't do it! But hang in there, you are probably right things will work out better in the end. With God all things are possible! We are praying for a peaceful journey and healing.
    Love Auntie Nat

  5. Hmmmm... God's timing. I think it is one of the hardest things we humans are asked to live with and trust in. Praying peace, patience and strength for all of you. Let's skype again soon!
    Auntie e.

  6. God's timing is always miraculous . . and yet also so hard to understand at times. I was reminded of an old song the other day, "I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart." When I was little, it was such a tongue twister:) (We always sang it way too fast!) Today I know that these words are a blessing. Praying that Noah's body works with his treatments, and responds the way the doctor's anticipate it will. God bless:)

  7. It's difficult for us to give these things over to God and trust Him with them, isn't it. I'm sure you are enjoying the extra few days home with the whole family!

  8. Stacy,
    when my dad was going through chemo treatments, he was also on several natural meds. through a local naturopath. We can't be sure it was because of these natural drugs, but the doctors were always surprised at how high and steady/consistent my dad's count was before a treatment.
    Just wanted to share that with you and let you know that I continue to pray for you regularly. If you have questions, feel free to ask.
    Hugs, Juanita
