Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sorry it has been so long since the last post, but it has been quite a week! It has also been difficult to do anything with the blog or Facebook because with Noah being sick, we can't stay at RMH and so we have been at Easter Seals, while nice enough, doesn't have internet. ( I know... crazy, eh?)

Noah has not had a very good week. He lost two kilos from Friday to Thursday, he has been coughing all week and has had a headache since Wednesday. The doctors are not sure what that is all about, and nothing they have given him has helped. Not even Morphine. (He doesn't like it anyway; he says it makes his head feel weird.) The Chemo has started to make him feel ill as well - he threw up yesterday. : ( Poor guy... The other thing that is happening is that he has had a fever since yesterday morning and it has not gone away either. We had some plans to do something outside since it was a beautiful day and instead, spent most of yesterday and today at the hospital.
They did consider admitting him today, because he is coughing and the fever spikes as soon as the Tylenol wears off. They decided, in the end, to give him a blood transfusion since he was very low and some antibiotics just in case, and then, just before we went on our way, more tylenol, to bring the fever down. They thought that since he needs to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning for treatment anyway, he would be ok to go as long as we monitor his temperature and give him tylenol when necessary.
It has been crazy because Tom, his mom, and the girls arrived on Thursday, and there isn't enough room at Easter Seals for all of us, so some of us are staying at RMH and some of us are at Easter Seals. Tom has been at Easter Seals with Noah and one of the girls and I am at RMH with the other two. And there wasn't enough room at either place for Tom's poor mom. so she was in yet another place! Like I said, crazy. We have been trying to enjoy some time together but it is so hard when Noah is so sick. We did have a nice supper tonight with my Uncle Ken and cousins Sam and Reuben; it is so nice to see them so often!
The girls and I will go to church tomorrow, but it sure won't feel right without Tom and Noah with us.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers, please continue to pray for us - it is difficult to be apart from each other, and even though we were able to spend the weekend together, we aren't really together. Sigh... It will be another two weeks before Noah can go home again, and again it will only be for a week or so.
Please pray specifically for Noah's fever and coughing to subside, and for him to feel well enough to be outside tomorrow, to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having here as a family (before they have to leave again).
May you have a wonderful Easter! He is risen, Hallelujah!


  1. Sorry it has been a tough week. Don't apologise for lack of blog. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Hope Tom and Noah have a special time together tomorrow and Stacey may you feel God's love and peace tomorrow as you celebrate Easter.

  2. We feel so bad you all are having a rough week! We will continue to pray for health for Noah and strength for you all during this difficult time! Hopefully you get to enjoy some outside time tomorrow! Mary-Ann

  3. Oh Stacey, so sorry that Noah is feeling so sick. We are praying for him to feel better. Your family time is so precious. Hope that you get to spend some relaxing time together enjoying the sunshine. On this Easter day may you feel the power of the risen Lord to overcome all.

  4. Hi Stacey so sorry to hear the week has been difficult. In time we pray the days will be better and this week will just be one of those bad memories. We are praying for Noah and his all of the illness his body is fighting and in time he will be better. I pray for you always you will need a great deal of strength to carry on with the care of Noah. Keep good care of yourself....know that you are kept in God's loving arms to find the strength to get through this time of difficulty.
    Kim VV

  5. Hang in there all of you, praying for you all during this time.....keep strong....We know that God will help you all through all of this..hope Noah feels a bit better today, May God surround you all in His loving arms and give you strenth.
    The Barendregts in Vernon

  6. Thanks for the update and we are very sorry to hear that this week has been so difficult. I hope Noah is feeling a bit better today and can manage a few laughs on this Easter Sunday!!

    We continue to think of you all daily and pray faithfully for strength and healing for you all.
    Big kisses from all of us! Cupido Fam

  7. hi Stacey and Noah and the rest of your family - we are continuing to pray for all of you. When you can blog, great , when you can't that is great too. Adding my thoughts to the above comments for a sunny time together and that Noah's coughing and fever will cease. Tell Noah we saw Gavin O at the Archery Jamboree yesterday. Blessings and peace from God strengthen you all.
    In His love and Resurrection,
    Pat Klym Becker

  8. Sorry to hear this was a "down" week...such a rollercoaster! Praying for you all, and so glad you were at least able to have some time together over Easter! You guys are in our daily prayers! Today was our first day back after Spring break, and my students were asking for an update on Noah, and then we prayed for him.
    Praying for God's strength for you all!
