Tuesday, October 4, 2011

C. Difficile again....

Yep, Noah has c. Difficile again.  Rats.  He hasn't been feeling well all weekend, and I was worried he would have to be admitted or go back to Children's but the Dr. says that as long as he takes his anti-biotics and does a lot of handwashing and using hand sanitizer, he is ok to do whatever, so that is a relief. 
He needs to go for bloodwork tomorrow to see if his counts are good enough to go back for treatment on  Friday.  I really hope they are low.  I feel like we just got here, I am not ready to go back yet.... 

1 comment:

  1. Oh no....i feel like you just got there too - we will be praying for low numbers (just this once)
    xxx Auntie Jenn
