Thursday, November 3, 2011

A little bit better, a little bit worse

Noah's condition has not really changed today, he looks a lot better than he did a few days ago, but there is something going on.  I can't put my finger on it, but he just isn't himself.  He was kinda grumpy today, and that isn't like him.  He said he was more uncomfortable than usual, even though he had morphine, and he felt hot.  Now, the hot thing could be due to the fact that he had a bath today and now he is wearing flannel pjs, but it seems like more than that. 
He just had another chest X-ray (they brought the machine up to his room - cool, eh?) and it shows that while not significantly worse, he does have more fluid in his lungs than he did on Monday. AND, the nurse just took his temperature this very second, and he has a fever.  I knew it!
So, yeah, overall, he is better- his weight is down to 34.4 kg, his belly is down another 0.5 cm, so that is good, but if you were to look at his belly, the place where they measure is no longer the largest place on him.  He almost has a "froggy" look to him; his waist is small, and his abdomen is biggest just at the bottom of his ribs.  Where his liver is. And where the bottom of his lungs are.  For some reason, the fluid is not moving down from there.  The physio and the kidney doctor both said today that they would like him to sit up straighter more often, and to sit at the edge of his bed for longer periods of time, which will encourage the fluid to move down.  The way he mostly sits is with the head of his bed elevated to about 45-60 degrees, which apparently allows the fluid to pool in the bottom of the back of his lungs.  He is back up to 4 litres again, and still hanging around 92-93%  If they have to go up to 5 L, he will have to have a mask, which he hates even more than the prongs.  : (  
I took some photos of him today and I am shocked by how he looks malnourished.  His eyes are sunken in, his arms are very thin and his belly big. I won't post the photo for his own privacy, but I will say it makes me sad.  I am starting to feel impatient- now that he is starting to get better, I want him to be getting better faster. Please pray for patience for me and for continued healing for Noah, especially now with this new infection or whatever is causing his fever. And please pray that the fluid would start to  leave his lungs.  If he could get off the oxygen, he would be so much happier, and feel so much better....


  1. Patience seems to be something most parents have an abundance of except when their child is suffering. Becky is home sick with a fever today so that will remind me to pray through out the day for Noah.
    I was at the school yesterday and Allyson was telling everyone how much fun the football game was. It was nice to see her happy and smiling about the time she spent down there with you too.
    Give Mel a big hug for us too. Her and Kalum are also on our family prayer list.

  2. Hey Noah hope the fever goes away soon

  3. It's so good that you do these updates. You know how prayer can flag, and when I read what you write, I am so touched and renew my prayers for Noah and You. Sometimes, pain and discomfort can be a part of the healing process. Take courage.


  4. All we can do is pray. Unceasingly. To boldy ask for healing to happen quickly. I can't imagine the frustration (his and yours) and I wish we could be there to help with the daily "stuff". I really hope that this fever doesn't turn into any more setbacks for him. We love you guys, Glen and Julie.

  5. Thinking of you and praying for you. I can only imagine how frustrating this experience is. Keep trusting your instincts. If Noah is behaving differently, your mom's intuition is going to pick up on that the best. Stay the course, God's peace to you all. Elizabeth
